Saturday, June 5, 2010

GRE Word Pictures F - 1 to 5

1. feint - trick; shift; sham blow; feigned attack to draw away defensive action; V.
noun: a false show; sham a pretended blow or attack intended to take the opponent off his guard, as in boxing or warfare

2. felicitous :(of a word or remark) apt; suitably expressed; well chosen
adjective: used or expressed in a way suitable to the occasion; aptly chosen; appropriate; apt
having the knack of appropriate and pleasing expression


3. felon : person convicted of a grave crime; CF. felony: serious crime

4. feral (of an animal) not domestic; wild

5. ferment - agitation; commotion(noisy and excited activity); unrest (of a political kind); V. produce by fermentation; undergo fermentation; cause (a state of trouble)
*fermentation chemical reaction that splits complex organiccompounds; unrest; agitation

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